
Since establishing itself in 2014, Silecio Safety’s purpose has been to make the workplace a safe place, to ensure that every worker is protected, and that working men and women go home safe at the end of the day.

Our team is comprised of highly-trained health and safety professionals with excellent in-depth health and safety knowledge.

This means clients receive top-quality training and expertise from professionals with real knowledge of the industry.


In-House, On-Site and Online Training

Investing in training means investing in your business and leads to benefits that directly impact your bottom line. Silecio Safety understands that time is valuable, but so is the health and safety of your employees, which is why we offer:

Our mobile safety training can be done at your home, office, warehouse, jobsite, or even online.

Health & Safety Consulting

Silecio Safety provides many health and safety services including program and policy development, procuring H&S equipment, as well as consulting services. Silecio Safety breaks down ‘consulting’ into 5 major areas of concern:

Silecio Safety consultants have the knowledge, experience and technical know-how to help your company succeed in realizing its H&S goals.

Health and Safety Equipment

Silecio would be happy to procure any health and safety equipment you require, including but not limited to: personal protective equipment (PPE), fire extinguishers, first aid kits, safety boards, signs, barriers, etc. Silecio Safety is always updating our inventory. To see our catalog, please visit our online store (currently under construction) or contact us by phone 1-855-852-2199, email [email protected] or fill out this form, and one of our health and safety professionals will contact you shortly.

Heading / Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet


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    SILECIO Inc.

    PO Box 10263, Winona, ON, L8E 5R1

    Silecio Safety Regions

    Service Areas


    Horizontal Tabs

    Tab 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit elit turpis, a porttitor tellus sollicitudin at. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
    Tab 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit elit turpis, a porttitor tellus sollicitudin at. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.
    Tab 3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit elit turpis, a porttitor tellus sollicitudin at. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

    Vertical Tabs

      Standard Toggle Style

      Toggle 1
      Toggle 2
      Toggle 3

      Framed Toggle Style

      Toggle 1
      Toggle 2
      Toggle 3

      Standard Accordion

      Accordion 1
      Accordion 2
      Accordion 3

      Framed Accordion

      Accordion 1
      Accordion 2
      Accordion 3


      Ordered Lists

      1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
      2. Praesent convallis nibh
      3. Nullam ac sapien sit
      4. Phasellus auctor augue
      1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
      2. Praesent convallis nibh
      3. Nullam ac sapien sit
      4. Phasellus auctor augue
      1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
      2. Praesent convallis nibh
      3. Nullam ac sapien sit
      4. Phasellus auctor augue
      1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
      2. Praesent convallis nibh
      3. Nullam ac sapien sit
      4. Phasellus auctor augue
      1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
      2. Praesent convallis nibh
      3. Nullam ac sapien sit
      4. Phasellus auctor augue
      1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
      2. Praesent convallis nibh
      3. Nullam ac sapien sit
      4. Phasellus auctor augue

      Unordered Lists

      • Lorem ipsum dolor sit
      • Praesent convallis nibh
      • Nullam ac sapien sit
      • Phasellus auctor augue
      • Lorem ipsum dolor sit
      • Praesent convallis nibh
      • Nullam ac sapien sit
      • Phasellus auctor augue
      • Lorem ipsum dolor sit
      • Praesent convallis nibh
      • Nullam ac sapien sit
      • Phasellus auctor augue
      • Lorem ipsum dolor sit
      • Praesent convallis nibh
      • Nullam ac sapien sit
      • Phasellus auctor augue

      Titled Boxes

      Blue Titled Box
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit elit turpis, a porttitor tellus sollicitudin at. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra per inceptos himenaeos.,
      orange Titled Box
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit elit turpis, a porttitor tellus sollicitudin at. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra per inceptos himenaeos.,
      Pink Titled Box
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit elit turpis, a porttitor tellus sollicitudin at. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra per inceptos himenaeos.,
      Cyan Titled Box
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit elit turpis, a porttitor tellus sollicitudin at. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra per inceptos himenaeos.,

       Notification Boxes 

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

      Colored Box

      Well Trained Professionals

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Know More
      Well Trained Professionals

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Know More
      Well Trained Professionals

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Know More
      Well Trained Professionals

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Know More
      Well Trained Professionals

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Know More
      Well Trained Professionals

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Know More

      Pricing Table : Type 1

      $20 month
      • 5 Projects
      • 10GB Storage
      • No Time Tracking
      • Enhanced Security
      • Unlimited Bandwidth
      $40 month
      • 10 Projects
      • 100GB Storage
      • No Time Tracking
      • Enhanced Security
      • Unlimited Bandwidth
      $60 month
      • 20 Projects
      • 200GB Storage
      • No Time Tracking
      • Enhanced Security
      • Unlimited Bandwidth
      $80 month
      • 30 Projects
      • 300GB Storage
      • No Time Tracking
      • Enhanced Security
      • Unlimited Bandwidth

      Pricing Table : Type 2

      $20 month
      • 5 Projects
      • 10GB Storage
      • No Time Tracking
      • Enhanced Security
      • Unlimited Bandwidth
      $40 month
      • 10 Projects
      • 100GB Storage
      • No Time Tracking
      • Enhanced Security
      • Unlimited Bandwidth
      $60 month
      • 20 Projects
      • 200GB Storage
      • No Time Tracking
      • Enhanced Security
      • Unlimited Bandwidth
      $80 month
      • 30 Projects
      • 300GB Storage
      • No Time Tracking
      • Enhanced Security
      • Unlimited Bandwidth

      Progress Bars

      Print Design - 50%
      Creative Team - 75%
      Programmers - 60%
      SEO - 45%
      Content Development - 35%
      WordPress - 85%
      Html5 / CSS3 - 45%
      Shopify - 75%
      BigCommerce - 85%
      SEO - 45%

      Info Graphic Charts

      Laasd pamade eleifend la sapien. Vestibulum purus quam.
      Laasd pamade eleifend la sapien. Vestibulum purus quam.
      Laasd pamade eleifend la sapien. Vestibulum purus quam.
      Laasd pamade eleifend la sapien. Vestibulum purus quam.

      Donut Charts


      Two Columns

      1/2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do  ex fb aute in esse eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex eafb aute in cd commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in  eprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

      1/2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do  ex fb aute in esse eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex eafb aute in commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in eprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est aborum.

      Three Columns

      1/3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur facd ase laboris adipisicing elit, sed does eiusmod tempor laboris incididunt ut labore as  et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

      1/3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur facd ase laboris adipisicing elit, sed does eiusmod tempor laboris incididunt ut labore as  et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

      1/3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur facd ase laboris adipisicing elit, sed does eiusmod tempor laboris incididunt ut labore as  et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

      1/3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur facd ase laboris adipisicing elit, sed does eiusmod tempor laboris incididunt ut labore as  et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

      2/3 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in eprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est aborum.quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in eprehenderit in .

      Four Columns

      1/4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet did, consectetur adipisicing elit, sedu do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

      1/4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet did, consectetur adipisicing elit, sedu do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

      1/4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet did, consectetur adipisicing elit, sedu do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

      1/4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet did, consectetur adipisicing elit, sedu do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

      1/4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet did, consectetur adipisicing elit, sedu do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

      1/4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet did, consectetur adipisicing elit, sedu do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

      2/4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla.

      1/4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet did, consectetur adipisicing elit, sedu do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

      3/4 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla.Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

      Five Columns

      1/5 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur gova adipisicing elit, sed do exc fb ac aute in esse eiusmod tempeor incididunt

      1/5 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur gova adipisicing elit, sed do exc fb ac aute in esse eiusmod tempeor incididunt

      1/5 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur gova adipisicing elit, sed do exc fb ac aute in esse eiusmod tempeor incididunt

      1/5 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur gova adipisicing elit, sed do exc fb ac aute in esse eiusmod tempeor incididunt

      1/5 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur gova adipisicing elit, sed do exc fb ac aute in esse eiusmod tempeor incididunt

      Six Columns

      1/6 Lorem ipsum do dolor sit amet, sa conse actetur gova design adipisicing elit, sed do exc fb ac aute in esse deserunt mollit eiusmod temapeor incididunt

      1/6 Lorem ipsum do dolor sit amet, sa conse actetur gova design adipisicing elit, sed do exc fb ac aute in esse deserunt mollit eiusmod temapeor incididunt

      1/6 Lorem ipsum do dolor sit amet, sa conse actetur gova design adipisicing elit, sed do exc fb ac aute in esse deserunt mollit eiusmod temapeor incididunt

      1/6 Lorem ipsum do dolor sit amet, sa conse actetur gova design adipisicing elit, sed do exc fb ac aute in esse deserunt mollit eiusmod temapeor incididunt

      1/6 Lorem ipsum do dolor sit amet, sa conse actetur gova design adipisicing elit, sed do exc fb ac aute in esse deserunt mollit eiusmod temapeor incididunt

      1/6 Lorem ipsum do dolor sit amet, sa conse actetur gova design adipisicing elit, sed do exc fb ac aute in esse deserunt mollit eiusmod temapeor incididunt



       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero.– Design Themes

       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero.– Design Themes

       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero.– Design Themes
       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero.– Design Themes



      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero. Nulla vestibulum sem a est tempus sed fringilla lorem sagittis. Phasellus mi orci, fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit   Aonsectetur adipiscing elit.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit Aonsectetur adipiscing.

      Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Aliquam libero nisi, imperdiet at, tincidunt nec, gravida vehicula, nisl. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus.

      Nam sit amet sem. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque aliquam. Donec faucibus. Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit


      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero. Nulla vestibulum sem a est tempus sed fringilla lorem sagittis. Phasellus mi orci, fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit Aonsectetur adipiscing elit.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit Aonsectetur adipiscing.

      Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Aliquam libero nisi, imperdiet at, tincidunt nec, gravida vehicula, nisl. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus.

      Nam sit amet sem. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque aliquam. Donec faucibus. Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit


      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero. Nulla vestibulum sem a est tempus sed fringilla lorem sagittis. Phasellus mi orci, fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit Aonsectetur adipiscing elit.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit Aonsectetur adipiscing.

      Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Aliquam libero nisi, imperdiet at, tincidunt nec, gravida vehicula, nisl. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus.

      Nam sit amet sem. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque aliquam. Donec faucibus. Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit


      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero. Nulla vestibulum sem a est tempus sed fringilla lorem sagittis. Phasellus mi orci, fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit Aonsectetur adipiscing elit.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit Aonsectetur adipiscing.

      Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Aliquam libero nisi, imperdiet at, tincidunt nec, gravida vehicula, nisl. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus.

      Nam sit amet sem. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque aliquam. Donec faucibus. Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit


      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero. Nulla vestibulum sem a est tempus sed fringilla lorem sagittis. Phasellus mi orci, fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit Aonsectetur adipiscing elit.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit Aonsectetur adipiscing.

      Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Aliquam libero nisi, imperdiet at, tincidunt nec, gravida vehicula, nisl. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus.

      Nam sit amet sem. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque aliquam. Donec faucibus. Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit


      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero. Nulla vestibulum sem a est tempus sed fringilla lorem sagittis. Phasellus mi orci, fermentum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit Aonsectetur adipiscing elit.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit Aonsectetur adipiscing.

      Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Aliquam libero nisi, imperdiet at, tincidunt nec, gravida vehicula, nisl. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus.

      Nam sit amet sem. Nullam dignissim convallis est. Quisque aliquam. Donec faucibus. Nunc iaculis suscipit dui. Nam sit amet sem. Praesent mattis, massa quis luctus fermentum, turpis mi volutpat justo, eu volutpat enim diam eget metus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam id augue vitae odio accumsan condimentum id in urna. Integer sit amet felis sit amet magna dignissim pharetra ut eget orci. Etiam dictum, nunc id feugiat cursus, nulla orci pretium nisl, eget lacinia felis enim et libero.

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ac luctus ligula. Phasellus a ligula blandit

       Callout Boxes 

      Our Technological services has been improved vastly

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      Our Technological services has been improved vastly

      Come Experience the real life situations of saving life

      Our Technological services has been improved vastly

      Come Experience the real life situations of saving life

      Our Technological services has been improved vastly

      Come Experience the real life situations of saving life

      Our Technological services has been improved vastly

      Come Experience the real life situations of saving life

      Our Technological services has been improved vastly

      Come Experience the real life situations of saving life

      Our Technological services has been improved vastly

      Come Experience the real life situations of saving life

      Our Technological services has been improved vastly

      Come Experience the real life situations of saving life

      Our Technological services has been improved vastly

      Come Experience the real life situations of saving life

      Our Technological services has been improved vastly

      Come Experience the real life situations of saving life

      Type 1

      Lots of Features

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Creative Design

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Faster Deployment

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Cloud Support

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Special Settings

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      100% Responsive

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Type 2

      Lots of Features

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Creative Design

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Faster Deployment

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Cloud Support

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Special Settings

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      100% Responsive

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Type 3

      Lots of Features

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Creative Design

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Faster Deployment

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Type 4

      Lots of Features

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Creative Design

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Faster Deployment

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Type 5

      Lots of Features

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Creative Design

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Faster Deployment

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Type 6

      Lots of Features

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Creative Design

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Faster Deployment

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Type 7

      Lots of Features

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Creative Design

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Faster Deployment

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Cloud Support

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Special Settings

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      100% Responsive

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Type 8

      Lots of Features

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Creative Design

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Faster Deployment

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Type 9

      Lots of Features

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Creative Design

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Faster Deployment

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Type 10

      Lots of Features

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Creative Design

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Faster Deployment

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Cloud Support

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Special Settings

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      100% Responsive

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Type 11

      Lots of Features

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Creative Design

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Faster Deployment

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Cloud Support

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      Special Settings

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.

      100% Responsive

      Nunc at pretium est curabitur commodo leac est venenatis egestas sed aliquet auguevelit.


      Jenny Sheen
      Marketing Director
      James Catwin
      Art Director


      <span>Cambridge Telcecom</span>
      "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit elit turpis, a porttitor tellus sollicitudin at. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos."
      John Doe Cambridge Telcecom
      <span>Cambridge Telcecom</span>
      "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi hendrerit elit turpis, a porttitor tellus sollicitudin at. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos."
      John Doe Cambridge Telcecom

      Full Width Parallax Section

      Who We are

      There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form. Vivamus adipiscing lobortis sagittis. Nullam tempus mauris dolor, ac malesuada arcu. Praesent dolor quam, tincidunt in sollicitudin sit amet, volutpat sed velit. Nullam non neque ipsum.

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      When an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.  Donec vitae sapien ut libero

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      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit maecenas quis
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit maecenas quis
      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit maecenas quis

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        Skills and Competencies Management

        Skills and Competencies ManagementNemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit atur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni res eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt

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        This is an example page. It's different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:

        Hi there! I'm a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my blog. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin' caught in the rain.)

        ...or something like this:

        The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickeys to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.

        As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!


        Which Silecio Training Course are you looking for?

        Silecio Safety offers a comprehensive range of training courses to help your business develop and grow by improving the way you operate.  A trained and competent workforce can help you:

        • Reduce costs;
        • Gain a competitive advantage;
        • Build a sustainable business;
        • Introduce new skills and innovation; and
        • Maximize cost efficiencies through working smarter.

        We are continuously working to ensure our courses are up-to-date, industry-focused and tailored to your needs.


        How to choose your Silecio Course

        ...coming soon...


        Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.


        Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.


        Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.

        What to expect from Silecio Training Courses

        On April 1, 2015, the new Working at Heights Training Program Standard will become mandatory for all Ontario construction projects regulated by the Regulations for Construction Projects. The standard legislates specific requirements for training programs, as well as for training providers.

        ‘Construction activity’ can occur in any industry in Ontario in connection with a project. Typical examples include whenever new machinery is installed, structures undergo maintenance, renovation, or repairs, shafts or tunnels are built, or land is cleared. Regardless of sector, it’s all construction activity – and that may include the risk of falls from heights.

        The new standard for working at heights in Ontario is activity-based, which makes it applicable to construction projects in any industry, as defined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

        Top 3 things employers should know

        1. Reduction in injuries and fatalities from falls, due to the fact the training is mandatory, and the standard prescribes curriculum content, delivery guidelines, learner outcomes, minimum equipment, and minimum training hours for each learner.

        2. Protection for workers from incurring falls by providing basic theory instruction on fall protection and prevention. The basic theory module is three hours in duration, which is likely a significant increase in the training exposure many workers now receive in fall protection.

        3. Limited class size depending on the method of delivery. The practical equipment module must be delivered face-to-face, and will be specific to fall protection equipment and practices which are common to many industries and working at height situations.

        Frequently asked questions answered by Silecio Training

        Silecio always uses certified training instructors that provide the best training.

        You will learn everything you need to know about construction safety.

        You can get training classes as early as next day.

        We come to you!  You tell us where and we will be there.  OR if you want to come on site with us you are free to do so.

        Silecio offers similar courses to other companies, BUT we always make sure that we take the extra step in getting you certified and ready to work as soon as possible, and as conveniently as possible.

        A little feedback from satisfied Silecio customers!


        “Great teaching technique by Rick. Very good examples used during the session. Very informative lessons.”


        “Very Good.”







        “Please check the wording in your questions. There was some room for interpretation. Making a definite answer would be more helpful.”


        “experienced instructor, fully aware of what he instruct, used a different technique, couldn’t ask for more help.”


        “Excellent communicator. Awesome skills of relating information.”


        “Excellent Job!!”

        Health and Safety Representative
        Toronto, ON

        Work Location: On-the-road job; Work locations may vary
        Type of Employment: Permanent, Full-time (40 to 44 hours/week)
        Employment Group: Entry Level/Apprentices
        Salary: $15.00 to $24.00/hour (to be negotiated)
        Vacancies: 0
        Start Date: As soon as possible
        Employment Conditions: Early morning, Day, Evening, Weekend, Flexible hours, To be determined

        Job Requirements

        Languages: English
        Experience: 1 year to less than 2 years; Will train
        Education: Post-secondary degree, diploma or certificate in Occupational Health & Safety
        Other Credentials Considered an Asset:
        • Health and safety training course(s)
        • First Aid/CPR Certificate
        • CRSP (Canadian Registered Safety Professional) designation
        • Certified or working towards National Construction Safety Officer (NCSO)
        • Construction Trade Certification
        • Certificate of Recognition (COR) Auditor
        Transportation/Travel Information:
        • Valid G driver's license
        • Must own transportation and be willing to travel regularly
        • Travel expenses, mileage and parking paid by employer
        Personal Suitability:
        • Self-motivated with demonstrated initiative
        • Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines
        • Detail-oriented with strong organization and time-management skills
        • Adaptable and flexible to an ever-changing, face-paced environment
        • Ability to work well independently or as a team player
        • Displays mature and sound judgement
        • Punctual and reliable
        • Effective interpersonal skills; ability to work with different types of people
        • Excellent written and verbal communication

        Specific Responsibilities

        • Establish and implement health and safety (H&S) policies and procedures
        • Oversee and enforce worksite H&S policies/programs through regular site inspections and observation
        • Assist site supervision to ensure safe work practices, procedures and regulatory/legislative compliance at worksites/facilities
        • Document site inspections and safety audits
        • Maintain training certificates and records of site documentation (e.g., incident reports and near-misses) for generating statistics and reports
        • Complete hazard assessments and ensure management is aware of potential H&S risks
        • Review deficiencies with management and assist in developing and implementing corrective actions
        • Prepare agenda/meeting minutes, safety talks, etc.
        • Liaise with workers and management to ensure due diligence is maintained
        • Provide H&S training through audio-visual presentations and discussion groups
        • Develop and prepare course materials, outlines, training manuals
        • Prepare, administer and mark tests to evaluate students' progress
        • Conduct course and program evaluation or review
        • Provide consultative services to government, business and other organizations
        • Provide assistance to students with special needs

        Experience & Skills Considered an Asset

        • Experience working in a H&S role in a construction environment
        • Strong knowledge of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and its regulations (e.g., Construction Projects Regulations)
        • Working knowledge of Microsoft Office applications (Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel)
        • Understanding of the IHSA/COR audit program
        • Familiarity with Site Docs Safety Management Software
        • Background in H&S training/education or experience delivering training programs to individuals and groups

        How to apply:  By email: [email protected]

        Health and Safety Instructor

        Toronto, ON, M5H 2N2

        Type: Permanent employment, Part time leading to full time 16 to 44 hours / week
        Vacancies: 0

        Availability: As soon as possible

        Employment Conditions: Early morning, Day, Evening, Weekend, Flexible hours

        Salary:$25.00 to $65.00 / hour (To be negotiated)


        • Health benefits: Health care plan, Vision care benefits, Dental plan, Disability benefits
        • Long term benefits: Group insurance benefits, Life insurance
        • Financial benefit: Bonus, Mileage paid, Commission

        Job Requirements

        Languages: English

        On the road job: Work locations may vary. Frequent or constant travel is required from the employee.

        Education: Other trades certificate or diploma

        Field of study: Occupational Safety and Health Technology/Technician

        Experience: Will train

        Transportation/Travel Information: Own vehicle, Willing to travel regularly, Valid driver's licence, Travel expenses paid by employer

        Ability to Supervise: Working groups

        Work Location Information: Various locations

        Personal Suitability: Organized, Flexibility, Reliability, Judgement, Client focus, Effective interpersonal skills, Team player, Excellent oral communication

        Security and Safety: Basic security clearance, Driver's validity licence check

        How to apply: By email: info@silecio.com


        Health and Safety Learning Consultant

        Type: Permanent employment, Part time leading to full time (16 to 44 hours / week)
        Vacancies: 0

        Availability: As soon as possible

        Employment Conditions: Flexible hours, Frequent travel, Hybrid work (on-the-road + remote)

        Salary: $15.00 to $30.00 / hour (To be negotiated)

        Benefits: Medical Benefits, Dental Benefits, Vision Care Benefits, Group Insurance Benefits, Mileage paid, Commission

        Job Requirements


        • English
        • Second language considered an asset


        • Greater Toronto Area and Golden Horseshoe
        • Work locations may vary
        • Frequent travel is required from the employee

        Transportation/Travel Information

        • Travel expenses paid by employer


        • Health and Safety certificate or diploma


        • Will train

        Security and Safety

        • Basic security clearance, Valid G Driver's license

        Specific Skills

        • Conduct course and program development, evaluation or review
        • Prepare and update teaching materials and outlines for courses
        • Prepare, administer and mark tests to evaluate students' progress
        • Deliver lectures and presentations
        • Lead discussion groups
        • Teach students through lectures, discussions, audio-visual presentations
        • Train, supervise and evaluate students in practical sessions
        • Provide assistance to students with special needs
        • Provide consultative services to government, business and other organizations
        • MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, MS Outlook
        • Organization, Flexibility, Reliability

        How to apply: By email: info@silecio.com


        Thank you for your order.  A representative from Silecio will be contacting you shortly to set a date and time for your training.

        Training Sign in sheet

          Date & Time of Training Course: *



          Training Location: *

          Trainer: *

          What course is being taught today? *

          Type of equipment used during training:

          Student 1. Please enter your information here...

          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

          [signature* signature-student1 cols:300 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

          Student 2. Please enter your information here...

          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

          [signature signature-student2 cols:300 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

          Student 3. Please enter your information here...

          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

          [signature signature-student3 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

          Student 4. Please enter your information here...

          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

          [signature signature-student4 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

          Student 5. Please enter your information here...

          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

          [signature signature-student5 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

          Student 6. Please enter your information here...

          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

          [signature signature-student6 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

          Student 7. Please enter your information here...

          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

          [signature signature-student7 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

          Student 8. Please enter your information here...

          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

          [signature signature-student8 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

          Student 9. Please enter your information here...

          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

          [signature signature-student9 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

          Student 10. Please enter your information here...

          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

          [signature signature-student10 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

          Student 11. Please enter your information here...

          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

          [signature signature-student11 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

          Student 12. Please enter your information here...

          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

          [signature signature-student12 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]


          < 2025 >

          Course Descriptions




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          This privacy notice discloses the privacy practices for Silecio Inc.’s website. This privacy notice applies solely to information collected by this web site. It will notify you of the following:

          1. What personally identifiable information is collected from you through the web site, how it is used and with whom it may be shared.
          2. What choices are available to you regarding the use of your data.
          3. The security procedures in place to protect the misuse of your information.
          4. How you can correct any inaccuracies in the information.

          Information Collection, Use, and Sharing
          We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone.

          We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request, e.g. to ship an order.

          Unless you ask us not to, we may contact you via email in the future to tell you about specials, new products or services, or changes to this privacy policy.

          Your Access to and Control Over Information
          You may opt out of any future contacts from us at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting us via the email address or phone number given on our website:
          - See what data we have about you, if any.
          - Change/correct any data we have about you.
          - Have us delete any data we have about you.
          - Express any concern you have about our use of your data.

          We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline.

          Wherever we collect sensitive information (such as credit card data), that information is encrypted and transmitted to us in a secure way. You can verify this by looking for a closed lock icon at the bottom of your web browser, or looking for "https" at the beginning of the address of the web page.

          While we use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online, we also protect your information offline. Only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, billing or customer service) are granted access to personally identifiable information. The computers/servers in which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment.

          If you feel that we are not abiding by this privacy policy, you should contact us immediately via telephone at 1-855-852-2199 or via email at info@silecio.com

          Health & Safety Consulting

          Silecio Safety provides many health and safety (H&S) services including program and policy development, procuring H&S equipment, as well as consulting services.  But you might be asking yourself, what does H&S consulting entail? To understand what H&S consulting is all about, Silecio Safety breaks down ‘consulting’ into 5 major areas of concern:

          Each of these areas require “Field Work”, but rest assured that Silecio Safety consultants have the knowledge and experience to conquer any obstacles in your way.

          Field work includes services such as assessing risks and hazards associated with your work, site inspections, hazard reporting, incident investigations, as well as any on-site observational services. Field work is one of the most important tasks when implementing your health and safety program.   Silecio Safety representatives are experts in these areas and we pride ourselves on the ability to communicate the responsibilities, tasks, and methods associated with field work.

          Contact us by phone 1-855-852-2199, email [email protected] or fill out this form, and one of our health and safety professionals will contact you shortly.



          Hazard Assessments and Controls

          One of the most frequent problems we hear about from construction companies is that they have many safe work practices or safe job procedures but they don’t understand how to assess for risk.  Other constructors have no H&S program and don’t know where to start.  Proper hazard assessments are the only way to assess your work for hazards, determine a hazard rating and implement controls so your workers have the knowledge, equipment and training to work safely.

          Silecio Safety provides two avenues for consulting services regarding hazard assessments and controls. First, we can work with you.  That is, we will come on-site and use a standardized form to train your H&S coordinator/manager/rep. to recognize hazards, record them, assess for risk and recommend controls. This will require one or two site visits from a Silecio Safety consultant as well as a willing and able company H&S person.

          The second way Silecio Safety can provide consulting for hazard assessments and controls is to come on-site, observe and communicate with workers and provide hazard assessments to your company.  Using a standardized form, a Silecio Safety consultant will visit your job sites and perform hazard assessments on the work they observe.  This option can be useful if your company is too busy to send a H&S person to learn how to perform a hazard assessment.

          Proper hazard assessments are the backbone to creating a H&S program that accurately defines the risks involved in every operation and the controls required to work safely.  Let Silecio Safety assist you in achieving your safety goals today.



          Workplace Inspections

          What types of workplace inspections are required? How many inspections will we have to do? Are there standardized forms available? Daily? Monthly? Yearly? How do we know how often we should be filling these inspection forms out?  Our Silecio Safety consultants can answer all of these questions and more.

          Depending on your type of work, number of employees, number of sites and other variables, the amount of inspections your company needs to perform can vary from 1 or 2 per day to over 100.  How do you know if you are filling out the necessary documentation to indicate you’ve satisfied all of your legal requirements? Are you performing inspections according to the same frequency as your H&S Program suggests? At Silecio Safety, our consultants are inspection experts.

          Silecio Safety consultants will identify the types and frequencies of any inspections required by your company according to Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act and Regulations as well as your company’s H&S program. After obtaining this knowledge, Silecio Safety will create standardized forms for your workers, supervisor’s, H&S reps., management and any other employees who will be required to perform site inspections. Furthermore, our H&S consultants would happily come to your jobsite and train your employees on how to conduct a proper inspection and recommend best practices for documenting and recording your findings.



          Preventative Maintenance

          When was the last time your saw, drill, or fire extinguisher was inspected? Is all of your equipment being maintained according to the manufacturer’s requirements? Does your company follow a preventative maintenance schedule for all equipment in your inventory? Do you have an equipment inventory?

          If your answer to any of these questions is “no” or “I don’t know”, Silecio Safety is here to help.  Using modern technology and experience, Silecio Safety consultants have learned a tried and true method in developing an equipment inventory, preventative maintenance schedule, and a record keeping system that is sure to meet any legislative requirements as well as keep your workers safe and your equipment operational.

          Using adhesive stickers with a unique set of barcodes for your company, Silecio Safety can tag all of your equipment, giving each item a specific asset tag and asset number. A picture of each item as well as a description will be sent to an online database (Asset Tiger), which will be the basis of your equipment inventory. The third step in preventative maintenance is the creation of a maintenance schedule.

          This is easily done by finding the manufacturer’s maintenance requirements in the equipment/tool’s manual and scheduling maintenance on the online database (Asset Tiger). Silecio Safety will gladly help you through the entire process until you have a preventative maintenance program of which you can be proud.



          Record Keeping and Technology

          You may have heard that the construction industry is “going digital” or that companies have “gone paperless”.  Silecio Safety believes in staying ahead of the curve and have invested in becoming H&S technology experts. Taking the leap from traditional form filling and record keeping to a technologically advanced system can be intimidating, but don’t worry because Silecio Safety has your back.

          Transitioning from paper to paperless may seem difficult, but it actually brings about many advantages. So, what does a paperless system actually look like? Well, Silecio Safety can take your entire H&S program and put it online, accessible to any worker who has authorization on their cell phone or tablet. Not only will they be able to review the program, safe job procedures, safe work practices, Safety Data Sheets (SDS’s), tool box talks and other safety resources, workers will also be able to fill out equipment inspections, site inspections, job hazard analyses, incident investigations and any other form or document that needs to be completed and signed.

          All training documents can be added as well, so no need to carry wallet cards or scrounge through employee files looking for important training certificates that can be the difference between going to work or going home early. Lastly, any signed forms are automatically filed by location, worker, or type of form. This not only makes record keeping a breeze, but also provides real-time communication of equipment problems, defects, or any other H&S issue between the workers and your H&S person.

          Let us show you how to take full advantage of going paperless. Silecio Safety consultants can provide training to teach your workers how to take pictures, flag items, fill out corrective action forms and navigate the website and app (Site Docs) to help your H&S program run like a well-oiled machine.



          Record Keeping and Document Control

          Silecio Safety consultants are very experienced with the CORtm Audit and therefore understand not only the importance of organizing and keeping records, but that doing so is easier said than done.  For this reason, Silecio Safety strongly recommends the implementation of technology (Site Docs and Asset Tiger) to assist in the organization and filing of records.

          We realize that technology isn’t practical for everybody and is not necessary to have success, but we do stress that this technology, combined with our knowledge and experience, will create a record keeping system of which you will be proud.

          Silecio Safety will inform you on what forms need to be filled out, how often, and by whom. We have the ability to create any specific forms or documents you need and the expertise to train your workers so they are proficient in their H&S duties. Whether or not you decide to go paperless, Silecio Safety can help you organize records, create a system that is accessible, and help to see trends in your internal responsibility system.

          Serge Tes Form June 2024

            Serge Participants Form test

              Course Date: *


              Training Location: *

              Trainer: *

              What course is being taught today? *

              Type of equipment used during training:

              N/A if not applicable

              Student Info: Please enter your information here...

              Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YESNO

              by checking the YES box you are agreeing to receive periodic emails from Silecio as well as our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions

              Complete Request
              All Major Credit Cards Accepted
               MasterCard_early_1990s_logo    a-mlb-paypal-3-23    visa_logo_blu    amex_card

              Silecio Inc. Validates ALL Comments to be True

              "Register for an open course at our facility, OR Silecio Safety will go to yours!

              Simply fill out the form, and we will do the rest

              Please be advised that all classes start at 8:30 a.m., and registration is on a first come, first served basis.

                Your Name (required)

                Your Email (required)

                Company Name

                Phone (required, 888-888-8888)

                Choose Training Facility

                [group group-silecio-facility]

                Select your Course / Date / City


                [group group-your-facility]

                Select your Course

                Requested Dates

                Where do you want the training to take place? (City, Province/State, Country)


                Number of Trainees



                All Major Credit Cards Accepted
                 MasterCard_early_1990s_logo    a-mlb-paypal-3-23    visa_logo_blu    amex_card

                  Company Info

                  Company Name:

                  Representative's Name:


                  Phone Number:

                  Element 1 – Policy Statement

                  1. Does your organization have a health and safety policy statement? YesNo

                  Element 2 – Hazard Assessment, Analysis and Control

                  1. Are hazard assessments conducted, documented, and approved by senior management for all operations?YesNo

                  2. Do you have a list of identified critical tasks? YesNo

                  Element 3 – Safe Work Practices

                  1. Have Safe Work Practices been documented? YesNo

                  Element 4 – Safe Job Procedures

                  1. Have Safe Job Procedures been documented? YesNo

                  Element 5 - Company Rules

                  1. Are company rules clearly stated in writing and provided to each employee? YesNo

                  2. Do you have a progressive discipline procedure? YesNo

                  Element 6 – Personal Protective Equipment

                  1. Is there a written policy governing mandatory use of PPE? YesNo

                  Element 7 – Preventative Maintenance

                  1. Do you have a preventative maintenance program for facilities, tools, equipment and vehicles? YesNo

                  2. Do you have a list of inventory items to be maintained? YesNo

                  3. Is maintenance being performed as planned? YesNo

                  Element 8 – Training and Communications

                  1. Do you have a documented orientation program? YesNo

                  2. Is job specific training provided and are records retained? YesNo

                  3. Is all required training up-to-date? YesNo

                  4. Are records of safety meetings retained? (i.e. tool box talks, Joint health and safety committee) YesNo

                  Element 9 – Workplace Inspections

                  1. Do you have a documented workplace inspection procedure? YesNo

                  2. Are specific forms and or checklists used for recording inspections? YesNo

                  Element 10 – Investigating and Reporting

                  1. Do you have a documented policy and procedure for the investigating and reporting of incidents, accidents, near-misses etc.? YesNo

                  Element 11 – Emergency Preparedness

                  1. Do documented emergency preparedness and emergency response plans include the most appropriate responses to identified hazards and address the potential for emergency situations? YesNo

                  2. Do the plans define the roles and responsibilities of relevant personnel? YesNo

                  3. Have appropriate emergency response resources and equipment been made available? YesNo

                  Element 12 – Statistics and Records

                  1. Is there a document procedure to organize monitor and measure Occupational Health & Safety performance? YesNo

                  2. Is occupational health and safety performance being measured at a specified frequency? YesNo

                  3. Are monthly and annual summaries of health and safety statistics available? YesNo

                  Element 13 – Legislation

                  1. Is health and safety legislation (all acts regulations and apply. considered during the job planning process? YesNo

                  2. Have supervisors and workers been trained on their rights and responsibilities and how to exercise them? YesNo

                  Element 14 – Occupational Health

                  1. Has the organization conducted risk assessments for occupational health hazards? YesNo

                  2. Is there a documented procedure that addresses working safely with chemicals, physical agents, biological agents, lead, asbestos, silica etc.? YesNo

                  Element 15 – First Aid

                  1. Is there a documented procedure for the provisions and maintenance of first aid that includes qualified first aid or posting first aid training certificates and a process for maintaining and recertifying first aid attendance? YesNo

                  Element 16 – Health and Safety Representative and Joint Health and Safety Committee

                  1. Do you have a joint health and safety committee? YesNo

                  2. Does your organization have documented procedures for the selection of roles and responsibilities in the establishment criteria for joint health and safety committees? YesNo

                  Element 17 – Workplace Violence and Harassment

                  1. Does your organization have a workplace violence and harassment policy statement that is current, is reviewed annually, and is visibly posted in the workplace or made available to the workers? YesNo

                  Element 18 – Return to Work and Re-Employment

                  1. Does your organization have a written return to work and reemployment policy and procedure? YesNo

                  Element 19 - Management Review

                  1. Does the senior management have a policy for conducting an annual review of the organizations Occupational Health & Safety program? YesNo


                    Company Info

                    Company Name:

                    Representative's Name:


                    Phone Number:


                    1. What type of work is your company involved in?

                    2. How many workers does your organization employ?

                    3. Which region(s) does your company service? (Please select all that apply)

                    4. Do your employees work in groups/crews? YesNo

                    If yes, how many different groups/crews are there?

                    5. What is the maximum number of active work sites at any given time?

                    6. What H&S system do you currently have in place? (e.g. H&S manual, standardized inspection sheets, risk assessments for all jobs, equipment inventory/preventative maintenance, etc.)

                    7. Does your organization currently employ a full-time Health & Safety Manager? YesNo

                    8. What training do your workers currently have? (i.e. WHMIS, Working at Heights, Supervisor, etc.)

                    9. What are your critical job tasks? (jobs with high risk of injury/death - i.e. working at heights, confined space, excavating, etc.)

                    10. How do you currently organize your documentation? (i.e. paper format, digital format, other)

                    11. Have you thought about going paperless? YesNo

                    12. Is your company interested in achieving specific safety designation? (i.e. COR, ISO 9001) YesNo

                    13. Have you ever applied for a specific safety designation before? YesNo

                    14. What are your health and safety goals and/or expectations?

                    Course Details Price Per Participant
                    at Silecio Facility
                    Course Price
                    at Your Facility
                    Program Duration: Half Day

                    Max Participants: 20

                    $175.00 per person Classes  of 7 or more: $175.00 per person

                    Classes of 6 or less: $1,050 flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>
                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 20
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or more): $175.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 6 or less): $1,050 flat rate
                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 20

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>


                    Overhead Crane

                    Who Should Attend:

                    Silecio’s Overhead Crane training course has been developed for workers or supervisors that may oversee, operate or work near and around overhead cranes in industrial establishments.

                    Course Description:

                    Based on O.Reg 851, this program involves the understanding of hazards and hazard awareness in regards to overhead cranes and methods of mitigation thereof. Safe inspection, operation and controls are covered, as well as basic signalling and good practice for maneuvering loads. Crane types that are covered include, but not limited to: gantry, rail, bridge and girder cranes.

                    Complete Request
                    All Major Credit Cards Accepted
                     MasterCard_early_1990s_logo    a-mlb-paypal-3-23    visa_logo_blu    amex_card

                    Silecio Inc. Validates ALL Comments to be True


                    All Major Credit Cards Accepted
                     MasterCard_early_1990s_logo    a-mlb-paypal-3-23    visa_logo_blu    amex_card

                    Silecio Inc. Validates ALL Comments to be True

                    Overhead Crane

                    Who Should Attend:

                    Silecio’s Overhead Crane training course has been developed for workers or supervisors that may oversee, operate or work near and around overhead cranes in industrial establishments.

                    Course Description:

                    Based on O.Reg 851, this program involves the understanding of hazards and hazard awareness in regards to overhead cranes and methods of mitigation thereof. Safe inspection, operation and controls are covered, as well as basic signalling and good practice for maneuvering loads. Crane types that are covered include, but not limited to: gantry, rail, bridge and girder cranes.

                    Complete Request
                    All Major Credit Cards Accepted
                     MasterCard_early_1990s_logo    a-mlb-paypal-3-23    visa_logo_blu    amex_card

                    Silecio Inc. Validates ALL Comments to be True


                    All Major Credit Cards Accepted
                     MasterCard_early_1990s_logo    a-mlb-paypal-3-23    visa_logo_blu    amex_card

                    Silecio Inc. Validates ALL Comments to be True

                    • Program Duration: Full Day
                    • Max Participants: 20
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or more): $175.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 6 or less): $1,050 flat rate
                    • Program Duration: Full Day
                    • Max Participants: 20

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    • Program Duration: Full Day
                    • Max Participants: 12
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $195.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or more): $195.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 6 or less): $1,170 flat rate
                    • Program Duration: Full Day
                    • Max Participants: 12

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 12
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or more): $175.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 6 or less): $1,050 flat rate
                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 12

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    • Program Duration: 2 Days
                    • Max Participants: 18
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility:  Contact us for pricing
                    • Program Duration: 2 Days
                    • Max Participants: 18

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    • Program Duration: 1 Day
                    • Max Participants: 18
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $125.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility:  Contact us for pricing
                    • Program Duration: 1 Day
                    • Max Participants: 18

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 20
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $75.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 13 or more): $75.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 12 or less): $900 flat rate
                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 20

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    [forminator_quiz id="7458"]

                    [wp_quiz id="7461"]

                    All pricing is subject to change. Travel expenses may apply for some locations. Taxes applicable. 

                    *Discounted rates cannot be combined with any other offer

                    CPO Approved – Working at Heights in Construction Training

                    • Program Duration: Full Day
                    • Max Participants: 12
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $195.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,365 flat rate
                    • Additional Trainees (max of 12): $175.00 per person

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    CPO Approved – Working at Heights in Construction Refresher Training

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 12
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,225 flat rate
                    • Additional Trainees (max of 12): $140.00 per person

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>


                    Excavator Training

                    • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                    • Max Participants: 10
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $245.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                    • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Skid Steer Loader Training

                    • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                    • Max Participants: 10
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $245.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                    • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>


                    *NEW* Front-End Loader Training

                    • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                    • Max Participants: 10
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $245.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                    • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    *NEW* Backhoe Loader Training

                    • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                    • Max Participants: 10
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $245.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                    • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Elevated Work Platforms Training

                    Scissor Lifts and Ariel Boom Lifts​

                    • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                    • Max Participants: 10
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $245.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                    • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>



                    Rough Terrain Telehandler Training

                    • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                    • Max Participants: 10
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $245.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                    • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Standard Forklift Training

                    • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                    • Max Participants: 10
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $245.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                    • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    *NEW* Narrow Aisle Forklift Training

                    • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                    • Max Participants: 10
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $245.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                    • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    *NEW* Powered Pallet Truck Training

                    • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                    • Max Participants: 10
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $245.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                    • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    *NEW* Powered Mobile Equipment Requalification Training

                    • Program Duration: Half Day (theory review + practical evaluation)
                    • Max Participants: 10
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $225.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,575 flat rate
                    • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $145.00 per person

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    *NEW* Powered Mobile Equipment Upgrade Training

                    • Program Duration: TBD (practical evaluation only)
                    • Max Participants: 10
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $200.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,395 flat rate
                    • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $115.00 per person

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>


                    Other Courses Available

                    *pricing available upon request

                    • Babysitting Course
                    • Standard First Aid Training
                    • Standard First Aid Recertification Training
                    • Emergency First Aid Training
                    • RE-O Propane Training - Roof Equipment Operator
                    • CH-02 Propane Training - Construction Heaters
                    • Transportation of Dangerous Goods
                    • WHMIS 2015 Training
                    • Lockout/Tagout Training
                    • Confined Spaces Training - Entry & Rescue
                    • Book 7 Traffic Control Training
                    • Respiratory Protection Training & Fit Testing
                    • Workboat Operations Training
                    Complete Request
                    All Major Credit Cards Accepted
                     MasterCard_early_1990s_logo    a-mlb-paypal-3-23    visa_logo_blu    amex_card

                    Silecio Inc. Validates ALL Comments to be True

                    RE-O Propane Training – Roof Equipment Operator

                    • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                    • Max Participants: 10
                    • Please contact us for pricing:
                    • Email: info@silecio.com
                    • Toll Free: 1.855.852.2199

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    CH-02 Propane Training – Construction Heater

                    • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                    • Max Participants: 10
                    • Please contact us for pricing:
                    • Email: info@silecio.com
                    • Toll Free: 1.855.852.2199

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>


                    Transportation of Dangerous Goods

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 10
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                    • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>


                    WHMIS 2015 Global Harmonized System

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 20
                    • Price at Your Facility: $1,225 flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Level C

                    • Program Duration: 2 Days
                    • Max Participants: 18
                    • Please contact us for pricing:
                    • Email: info@silecio.com
                    • Toll Free: 1.855.852.2199

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Standard First Aid & CPR/AED (Level C) Recertification

                    • Program Duration: 1 Day (8 Hours in Class)
                    • Max Participants: 18
                    • Please contact us for pricing:
                    • Email: info@silecio.com
                    • Toll Free: 1.855.852.2199

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Emergency First Aid & CPR/AED Level C

                    • Program Duration: 1 Day
                    • Max Participants: 18
                    • Please contact us for pricing:
                    • Email: info@silecio.com
                    • Toll Free: 1.855.852.2199

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Silecio Safety Regions

                    Service Areas


                    Elevated Work Platforms Training

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 20
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 8 or more)$175  $140  per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Forklift Training

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 20
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 8 or more)$175  $140  per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>


                    Telehandler Training

                    • Program Duration: Full Day
                    • Max Participants: 20
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 8 or more)$175  $140  per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Skid Steer Training

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 20
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 8 or more)$175  $140  per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Mini Excavator Training

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 20
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 8 or more)$175  $140  per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    RE-O Propane Training – Roof Equipment Operator

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 20
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 8 or more)$175  $140  per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    CH-02 Propane Training – Construction Heater

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 20
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 8 or more)$175  $140  per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Overhead/Mobile Crane (0-8 ton)

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 20
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 8 or more)$175  $140  per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Transportation of Dangerous Goods

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 20
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 8 or more)$175  $140  per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Working at Heights & Fall Protection – CPO Approved

                    • Program Duration: Full Day
                    • Max Participants: 12
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $195 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 8 or more)$195  $156  per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,365  $1,092  flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Working at Heights Refresher – CPO Approved

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 12
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $175 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 8 or more)$175  $140  per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    WHMIS 2015

                    • Program Duration: Half Day
                    • Max Participants: 20
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $75.00 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 20 or less): $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Level C

                    • Program Duration: 2 Days
                    • Max Participants: 18
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $140 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 9 or more): $140 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 8 or less): $1,120 flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                    Emergency First Aid with CPR-B

                    • Program Duration: 1 Day
                    • Max Participants: 18
                    • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $105 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 9 or more): $105 per person
                    • Price at Your Facility (classes of 8 or less): $840 flat rate

                    Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>



                    COURSE NAME: 
                    PROMO PRICES AT YOUR FACILITY:
                    MORE DETAILS:

                    Classes of 8 or more: $175  $140  per person

                    Classes of 7 or less: $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Classes of 8 or more: $175  $140  per person

                    Classes of 7 or less: $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Classes of 8 or more: $175  $140  per person

                    Classes of 7 or less: $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Classes of 8 or more: $175  $140  per person

                    Classes of 7 or less: $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Classes of 8 or more: $175  $140  per person

                    Classes of 7 or less: $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Classes of 8 or more: $175  $140  per person

                    Classes of 7 or less: $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Classes of 8 or more: $175  $140  per person

                    Classes of 7 or less: $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Classes of 8 or more: $175  $140  per person

                    Classes of 7 or less: $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Classes of 8 or more: $175  $140  per person

                    Classes of 7 or less: $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Classes of 8 or more: $195  $156.00  per person

                    Classes of 7 or less: $1,365  $1,092  flat rate

                    Classes of 8 or more: $175  $140  per person

                    Classes of 7 or less: $1,225  $980  flat rate

                    Classes of 20 or less:  $1,225  $980.00  flat rate

                    Program Duration: Full Day

                    CPO Approved – Working at Heights in Construction Training

                    Toronto Hamilton
                    * Friday, August 14

                    Friday, September 25



                    *COURSE FULL

                    Program Duration: Half Day

                    CPO Approved – Working at Heights in Construction Refresher Training

                    Toronto Hamilton
                    Thursday, August 20

                    Tuesday, September 22




                    Program Duration: 2 Days (16 hours in class)

                    Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Level C

                    London Toronto Hamilton
                    * March 9-10 * March 4-5 March 23-24
                    * April 13-14 April 2-3 April 21-22

                    *Course Full

                    Program Duration: 1 Day (8 hours in class)

                    Emergency First Aid & CPR/AED Level C

                    London Toronto Hamilton
                    *March 16 March 19 *March 17
                    April 27 April 16 April 6


                    Program Duration: Half Day

                    Mini Excavator Training

                    Toronto Hamilton
                    Thursday, September 3 N/A

                    Program Duration: Full Day

                    Telehandler Training

                    Toronto Hamilton
                    Friday, August 21

                    Tuesday, September 29




                    Program Duration: Half Day

                    Forklift Training

                    Toronto Hamilton
                    Friday, August 21

                    Tuesday, September 29



                    Program Duration: Half Day

                    Skid Steer Training

                    Toronto Hamilton
                    Thursday, September 3 N/A


                    Program Duration: Half Day

                    Elevated Work Platforms Training

                    Toronto Hamilton
                    * Thursday, August 27

                    Tuesday, September 22



                    *COURSE FULL

                    Participant Sign In Sheet

                      Course Date: *


                      Training Location: *

                      Trainer: *

                      What course is being taught today? *

                      Type of equipment used during training:

                      N/A if not applicable

                      Student Info: Please enter your information here...

                      Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YESNO

                      by checking the YES box you are agreeing to receive periodic emails from Silecio as well as our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions

                      Silecio Covid-19 Update

                      May 1-st, 2020

                      Dear Valued Customers,

                      Health and safety are top priorities at Silecio Safety. Over the past two months, we made the difficult decision to re-schedule all training classes until May in an effort to protect our employees, customers and communities, and in hopes of restrictions being lifted by this time.

                      With Ontario’s Declaration of Emergency being extended until May 12th, we will be postponing all scheduled training classes until further notice is given. In order to avoid any unnecessary re-scheduling, all courses will be re-scheduled at a later date once further government direction is received, and when we can confidently resume operations with key safety precautions in place.

                      In the interim, we want to assure you that we are taking the necessary steps in order to resume training classes safely and efficiently as soon as we are able. Specific health and safety policies and procedures will be in place. This will include:

                      • A blended approach to learning that incorporates virtual/online classrooms for the theory portion of our courses;
                      • Separately scheduled one-on-one practical evaluations;
                      • Thorough sanitizing practices to ensure that all equipment is sanitized before and after each use;
                      • Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as gloves and masks;
                      • Physical distancing during practical and in-class training;
                      • A set of additional criteria that clients will be required to meet for on-site and in-class training, such as sufficient space for physical distancing and adequate washroom and washing facilities (clean running or potable water with soap and/or sanitizer).

                      As we continue to find ourselves in a precarious situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we feel that it is important to provide you with updated proactive measures that we are taking in response to the current situation.

                      Please continue to stay safe and feel free to contact us any time if you have any questions.

                      Ricardo Paradinha, 


                      Let us come to you! Our mobile safety training can be done at your home, office, warehouse, or job-site.

                      Prefer to join one of our public training classes? No problem! Choose from our schedule of open courses instead.

                      Simply fill out the form, and we will do the rest!


                        Your Name (required)

                        Your Email (required)

                        Company Name


                        Select your Course

                        Requested Dates

                        Number of Trainees

                        Preferred Location



                        All Major Credit Cards Accepted
                         MasterCard_early_1990s_logo    a-mlb-paypal-3-23    visa_logo_blu    amex_card

                        Cancellation Policy

                        Any cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to a course start date, including participants who fail to attend or meet minimum course requirements, will be subject to all applicable charges. Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or re-schedule courses with advanced notice. Should a course need to be cancelled for any reason (e.g., inclement weather, personal emergency) all attempts will be made to notify customers prior to course commencement. Cancelled classes will be re-scheduled or rain checks will be issued for use at a later date.


                        Equipment Training Certificate Policy

                        In order to successfully complete the course and receive a certificate, each trainee must achieve a minimum of 80% on the final theory test as well as successfully complete their hands-on practical evaluation. Digital certificates will be issued upon receipt of payment and are valid for three (3) years from the training date. Trainees who do not successfully complete the course will not be refunded and will not receive a certificate.


                        Working at Heights Training Certificate Policy

                        In order to successfully complete the course and receive a certificate, each trainee must achieve a minimum of 75% on the final theory exam and 100% on the practical evaluation. Digital certificates will be issued upon receipt of payment and are valid for three (3) years from the training date. Trainees who do not successfully complete the course will not be refunded and will not receive a certificate.


                        Working at Heights Refresher Training Policy 

                        To be eligible for WAH Refresher training, participants must have previously successfully completed both modules of an approved Working at Heights training program (i.e., the full course) and have a valid Learner ID number. Workers who are unable to locate their Learner ID number can contact the Ministry at 1-877-202-0008 or [email protected] to retrieve it. The Eligibility Checker Tool can also be used by a worker or by an employer with a worker’s consent in order to check eligibility status. Silecio Inc. does not keep records of Learner ID numbers and will not be responsible nor bar an individual from a course should training eligibility not be met.



                          Date & Time of Training Course: *



                          Training Location: *

                          Trainer: *

                          What course is being taught today? *

                          Type of equipment used during training:

                          Student 1. Please enter your information here...

                          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

                          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

                          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

                          [signature* signature-student1 cols:300 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

                          Student 2. Please enter your information here...

                          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

                          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

                          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

                          [signature signature-student2 cols:300 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

                          Student 3. Please enter your information here...

                          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

                          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

                          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

                          [signature signature-student3 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

                          Student 4. Please enter your information here...

                          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

                          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

                          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

                          [signature signature-student4 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

                          Student 5. Please enter your information here...

                          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

                          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

                          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

                          [signature signature-student5 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

                          Student 6. Please enter your information here...

                          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

                          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

                          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

                          [signature signature-student6 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

                          Student 7. Please enter your information here...

                          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

                          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

                          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

                          [signature signature-student7 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

                          Student 8. Please enter your information here...

                          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

                          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

                          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

                          [signature signature-student8 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

                          Student 9. Please enter your information here...

                          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

                          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

                          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

                          [signature signature-student9 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

                          Student 10. Please enter your information here...

                          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

                          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

                          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

                          [signature signature-student10 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

                          Student 11. Please enter your information here...

                          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

                          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

                          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

                          [signature signature-student11 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

                          Student 12. Please enter your information here...

                          DOB (mm/dd/yyyy)

                          Do you consent to periodic emails from Silecio as well as our picture policy?YesNo

                          Your signature: (please place your signature in the box below)

                          [signature signature-student12 rows:150 background:#fcfcfc]

                            Course Date: *


                            Training Location: *

                            Trainer: *

                            What course is being taught today? *

                            Type of equipment used during training:

                            N/A if not applicable

                            Student Info: Please enter your information here...

                            Do you consent to receive periodic emails from Silecio Safety?YesNo

                            By clicking "Submit Sign in Sheet" you are agreeing to Silecio Inc's Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.

                            Enjoy access to these eLearning Training programs at no cost!


                            Offer valid until December 23-rd on WAH/WAH Refresher classes scheduled at your worksite/facility between January 9-th and 27-th, 2023. Some restrictions apply. See offer terms below or contact us for details.

                            Terms and Conditions:

                            • Offer valid from November 25th until December 23rd, 2022 for classes scheduled at your worksite/facility between January 9th and 27th, 2023.
                            • Applies to new bookings only.
                            • Offer cannot be combined with any other sale or discount and is not valid on weekends or holidays.
                            • 20% discount is only applicable to the flat rate for 7 people.
                            • Payment must be received in full before the sale ends on December 23rd, 2022 to receive the discounted rate.
                            • Terms of offer are subject to change.

                            Let us come to you! Our mobile safety training can be done at your home, office, warehouse, or job-site.

                            Prefer to join one of our public training classes? No problem! Choose from our schedule of open courses instead.

                            Simply fill out the form, and we will do the rest!


                              Your Name (required)

                              Your Email (required)

                              Company Name


                              Select your Course

                              Requested Dates

                              Number of Trainees

                              Preferred Location



                              All Major Credit Cards Accepted
                               MasterCard_early_1990s_logo    a-mlb-paypal-3-23    visa_logo_blu    amex_card

                              Teste teate hqwdba.kjdfna;slfkj

                              SEND US A MESSAGE

                                Your Name (required)

                                Your Email (required)


                                Your Message

                                CONTACT INFO

                                SILECIO Inc.

                                PO Box 10263, Winona, ON, L8E 5R1

                                Silecio Safety Regions

                                Service Areas


                                All pricing is subject to change. Travel expenses may apply for some locations. Taxes applicable. 

                                *Discounted rates cannot be combined with any other offer

                                CPO Approved – Working at Heights in Construction Training

                                • Program Duration: Full Day
                                • Max Participants: 12
                                • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,365 flat rate
                                • Additional Trainees (max of 12): $175.00 per person*

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                                CPO Approved – Working at Heights in Construction Refresher Training

                                • Program Duration: Half Day
                                • Max Participants: 12
                                • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,225 flat rate
                                • Additional Trainees (max of 12): $140.00 per person*

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>


                                Excavator Training

                                • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                                • Max Participants: 10
                                • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                                • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person*

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                                Skid Steer Loader Training

                                • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                                • Max Participants: 10
                                • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                                • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person*

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>


                                *NEW* Front-End Loader Training

                                • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                                • Max Participants: 10
                                • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                                • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person*

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                                *NEW* Backhoe Loader Training

                                • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                                • Max Participants: 10
                                • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                                • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person*

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                                Elevated Work Platforms Training

                                Scissor Lifts and Ariel Boom Lifts​

                                • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                                • Max Participants: 10
                                • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                                • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person*

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>



                                Rough Terrain Telehandler Training

                                • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                                • Max Participants: 10
                                • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                                • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person*

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                                Standard Forklift Training

                                • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                                • Max Participants: 10
                                • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                                • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person*

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                                *NEW* Narrow Aisle Forklift Training

                                • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                                • Max Participants: 10
                                • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                                • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person*

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                                *NEW* Powered Pallet Truck Training

                                • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                                • Max Participants: 10
                                • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                                • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person*

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                                *NEW* Powered Mobile Equipment Requalification Training

                                • Program Duration: Half Day (theory review + practical evaluation)
                                • Max Participants: 10
                                • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,545 flat rate
                                • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $145.00 per person*

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                                *NEW* Powered Mobile Equipment Upgrade Training

                                • Program Duration: TBD (practical evaluation only)
                                • Max Participants: 10
                                • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,395 flat rate
                                • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $115.00 per person*

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>


                                Other Courses Available

                                *pricing available upon request

                                • Standard First Aid Training
                                • Standard First Aid Recertification Training
                                • Emergency First Aid Training
                                • RE-O Propane Training - Roof Equipment Operator
                                • CH-02 Propane Training - Construction Heaters
                                • Transportation of Dangerous Goods
                                • WHMIS 2015 Training
                                • Lockout/Tagout Training
                                • Confined Spaces Training - Entry & Rescue
                                • Book 7 Traffic Control Training
                                • Respiratory Protection Training & Fit Testing
                                • Workboat Operations Training

                                RE-O Propane Training – Roof Equipment Operator

                                • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                                • Max Participants: 10
                                • Please contact us for pricing:
                                • Email: info@silecio.com
                                • Toll Free: 1.855.852.2199

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                                CH-02 Propane Training – Construction Heater

                                • Program Duration: Half Day Theory + Practical
                                • Max Participants: 10
                                • Please contact us for pricing:
                                • Email: info@silecio.com
                                • Toll Free: 1.855.852.2199

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>


                                Transportation of Dangerous Goods

                                • Program Duration: Half Day
                                • Max Participants: 10
                                • Price at Your Facility (classes of 7 or less): $1,715 flat rate
                                • Additional Trainees (max of 10): $175.00 per person*

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>


                                WHMIS 2015 Global Harmonized System

                                • Program Duration: Half Day
                                • Max Participants: 20
                                • Price at Your Facility: $1,225 flat rate

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                                Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Level C

                                • Program Duration: 2 Days
                                • Max Participants: 18
                                • Please contact us for pricing:
                                • Email: info@silecio.com
                                • Toll Free: 1.855.852.2199

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                                Standard First Aid & CPR/AED (Level C) Recertification

                                • Program Duration: 1 Day (8 Hours in Class)
                                • Max Participants: 18
                                • Please contact us for pricing:
                                • Email: info@silecio.com
                                • Toll Free: 1.855.852.2199

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                                Emergency First Aid & CPR/AED Level C

                                • Program Duration: 1 Day
                                • Max Participants: 18
                                • Please contact us for pricing:
                                • Email: info@silecio.com
                                • Toll Free: 1.855.852.2199

                                Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

                                Silecio Safety Regions

                                Service Areas




                                SILECIO SAFETY SPRING 2024 GIVEAWAY RULES & REGULATIONS

                                1. Agreement: These rules govern the “Silecio Safety Spring 2024 Giveaway" (“Contest"). No purchase is necessary to enter the Contest. The act of entering the Contest constitutes acceptance of the Contest rules and the decisions of the Sponsor and the Contest judges, which decisions shall be final and binding upon all entrants.


                                1. Sponsor: The Contest sponsor is Silecio Inc., P.O. Box 10263, Winona, Ontario L8E5R1 Canada, http://silecio.com/.


                                1. Eligibility: The Contest is open to all legal residents of the Province of Ontario that are eighteen (18) years of age or older at the time of entry. You are not eligible to enter if you are (or you live with) an employee, officer, director, representative, agent, consultant or supplier of the Sponsor or any of its affiliates (collectively, the “Promotion Entities"). The Sponsor reserves the right to verify the eligibility of the potential winners. Incomplete or illegible entries, or reproduced entries will not be accepted and will be disqualified.


                                1. Contest Entry: Maximum ten (10) entries per email. One (1) entry for each social media follow, one (1) entry for sharing the contest post on any platform and (1) entry for signing up to the Sponsor’s newsletter. Links to the Sponsor’s social media platforms and newsletter sign-up listed below:


                                Facebook https://www.facebook.com/silecio/

                                Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sileciosafety/

                                Twitter https://twitter.com/sileciosafety

                                LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/silecio-inc-/

                                Newsletter Sign-Up https://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/d.jsp?llr=yrghufuab&p=oi&m=yrghufuab&sit=8u8s9iwjb&f=5c334ca9-d8c3-486d-a875-68a7a0d6c46a


                                1. Prizes and Contest Periods: The Contest is made up of one (1) contest period with one (1) prize available to be won.


                                Prize: Two (2) tickets to Minnesota Twins vs Toronto Blue Jays at the Rogers Centre, Toronto, Ontario – DATE: Saturday May 11, 2024 – Approximate value of: $105.00 CDN.

                                Contest period: The Contest Period begins at 8:00 AM ET on March 14, 2024 and ends at 11:59 PM ET on April 30, 2024. Winner will be selected by 3:00 PM ET on May 3, 2024.


                                1. Limits on Entries: Maximum ten (10) entries per email. Refer to #4 – Contest Entry. The Prize will be awarded by random draw. Entries must be made during the contest period to win the prize associated with that contest period. Entries submitted within a contest period are counted exclusively towards the prize that is associated with that contest period, and not for any future contest period or prize. The Winner will be contacted/notified by the Sponsor via email and social media. The Winner will have 48 hours to respond via email to [email protected] or a new winner will be selected. No substitute will be provided. The Sponsor will not mail, deliver or courier the prize and is not responsible for any unclaimed prizes. Prize will be emailed to the winner within 2 weeks of claiming the prize. In order to be eligible to win a prize, each selected entrant must correctly answer a mathematical skill-testing question without assistance or mechanical or electronic aid.


                                1. Release, Copyright Assignment and Waiver of Moral Rights: Each entrant irrevocably assigns and transfers to the Sponsor any and all rights, title, and interest in each entry submitted including, without limitation, all copyright. The Sponsor shall have the right in perpetuity to reproduce, copy, display, distribute, edit or modify any entry, including photos posted with an entry, for use in connection with this Contest or other marketing and advertising purposes, and each entrant waives any and all moral rights he/she may have in any photo submitted. Each entrant agrees to complete and sign all documents necessary to confirm the rights granted under these official rules. By entering this Contest, each entrant consents to the posting of his or her entry, including any photo or related caption or comment, and the use of his or her name, likeness, image, photograph, and comments online, in connection with the Contest, without any further notice, review, approval, consent or compensation. In addition, each entrant acknowledges and agrees that posting a photograph online brings that photograph within public view, and the Sponsor will not be held liable for any copying, reproducing, re-posting, or unlawful use of the posted photograph, or any other injury, damage or loss to entrant or any other person that may result from the posted photograph or any related comment. As a condition of being declared a winner and prior to being awarded the prize, the selected entrant will be required to show valid photo ID and to sign a declaration of eligibility and release form (i) releasing the Sponsor Parties (as defined below), as well as Facebook Inc., LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter from any and all liability in connection with the Contest and/or the prize; (ii) confirming compliance with these Contest rules; (iii) consenting to the use of his or her name and photograph, in any and all forms of media, without further compensation, in any publicity carried out by the Sponsor and/or its advertising and promotional agencies; and (iv) assigning all intellectual property rights, including copyright, in the photograph to the Sponsor and waiving his/her moral rights in the photograph. If a potential winner is under the age of majority, his/her parent or legal guardian must also sign and return the declaration of eligibility and release form.


                                1. Indemnity: By participating in this Contest, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Sponsor, and its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates and/or related companies and each of their officers, directors, shareholders, employees, advisors, assignees, agents, licensees, representatives, advertising, media buyers and promotional agencies from any and all damages, injuries, claims, causes of action, or losses of any kind (including but not limited to lawyers' fees) arising out of or relating to your participation in the Contest; your receipt or use of any prize; your violation of any term of these Contest rules; your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any copyright, property, or privacy right; or any claim that your submission caused any type of damage to a third party.


                                1. Privacy: We use your personal contact information to administer this Contest, including contacting, announcing and promoting prize winners. See the Sponsor’s privacy policy at https://silecio.com/privacy-notice for information on how personal information received in respect of the Contest is handled.


                                1. Banning: The Sponsor may, in their sole discretion, prohibit any person from entering the Contest whom it believes to be abusing the rules. Such abuse includes entering false information and voting more times than is permitted under these Contest rules.


                                1. Other: Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received. This Contest is governed by the laws of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable therein and is void where prohibited by law. The Sponsor reserves the right to cancel or modify the Contest or the Contest rules at any time without notice. All prizes must be accepted as awarded, are non-transferable and are not convertible to cash. The Sponsor reserves the right to substitute any prize or portion of the prize with a prize of equal or greater value. All prizes are awarded as-is and no warranties or guarantees are implied or expressed. The Sponsor are not liable for any lost, late, misdirected or stolen entries or inability to process entries, or any errors, damage or negligence that may arise in connection with this Contest, including technical failures on any website or software, viruses, website disruptions, malfunctions or website down-time, human error or property damage incurred by any Contest entrant. The Sponsor are not responsible for any errors or omissions in printing or advertising this Contest. Use of any automated system including robotic or form-filling software to enter or participate in this Contest is prohibited and will result in disqualification of all entries by anyone using such assistance. If a dispute arises regarding who submitted an online entry, the entry will be deemed to be submitted by the authorized account holder of the email address provided at time of entry. Authorized account holder is the natural person who is assigned to an email address by an Internet access provider, online service provider, or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted email address.


                                1. Facebook LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter Disclaimer and Release: This Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. You understand that you are providing your information to The Sponsor and not to Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. Any questions, comments or complaints must be directed to the Sponsor, and not to Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. By participating in the Contest, each entrant releases and agrees to indemnify Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter and hold it harmless from and against any and all costs, claims, damages, (including, without limitation, any special, incidental or consequential damages), or any other injury, whether due to negligence or otherwise, to person(s) or property (including, without limitation, death or violation of any personal rights, such as violation of right of publicity/privacy, libel, or slander), due in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to participation in the Contest, or arising out of participation in any Contest-related or prize-related activity, or the receipt, enjoyment, participation in, use or misuse, of any Contest or prize-related activity, whether hosted by The Sponsor or a third party.

                                What is the difference between periodic inspections and end-user inspections?

                                • End-user inspection - performed by the person using the equipment before each use.
                                • Periodic inspection - a systematic inspection performed and documented by a competent inspector on an annual or semi-annual basis.

                                A trained, competent person must routinely inspect fall protection equipment in a controlled environment to help ensure its integrity, maintain proper function and prolong service life.



                                Annual equipment inspections starting at $39.99 per item + pickup/delivery

                                Pricing applicable to personal fall protection equipment (Z259)

                                • Harnesses
                                • Lanyards
                                • Rope grabs
                                • Snap hooks
                                • Temporary anchor points and anchor straps
                                • Lifelines*
                                • Self-retracting lanyards*

                                *Additional charges apply for horizonal/vertical lifelines and ropes.

                                *Lifelines and lanyards longer than 25ft will be subject to an additional charge of $2.00/ft.


                                Pricing subject to change. Some conditions apply.


                                TERMS & CONDITIONS

                                • All equipment that is picked up will be subject to the inspection fee. This fee also applies to equipment that fails the inspection. There is no guarantee that any piece of equipment that is picked up will pass the inspection. Equipment that is picked up does not constitute as passing the inspection and will be subject to the inspection fee.
                                • The following items will not be picked up or accepted for inspection at the sole discretion of the pickup driver:
                                • Equipment that has missing or illegible labels
                                • Equipment that is contaminated with chemicals or covered in dirt or debris*
                                • Equipment with any other obvious damage that would prevent it from passing an inspection

                                * Equipment cleaning services currently unavailable

                                • All equipment and copies of the inspection reports will be returned to the client, including equipment that fails the inspection. Equipment that does not pass the inspection will be returned to the client with an out of service lock out tag that is not to be removed until the equipment is destroyed by the client.
                                • Some self-retracting lanyards may require service that can only be performed by the manufacturer (manufacturer’s service not included).
                                Complete Request
                                All Major Credit Cards Accepted
                                 MasterCard_early_1990s_logo    a-mlb-paypal-3-23    visa_logo_blu    amex_card

                                Silecio Inc. Validates ALL Comments to be True