WHMIS 2015 Global Harmonized System

WHMIS 2015 Global Harmonized System

WHMIS 2015 Global Harmonized System

  • Program Duration: Half Day
  • Max Participants: 20
  • Price Per Participant at Silecio Facility: $75.00 per person
  • Price at Your Facility (classes of 13 or more): $75.00 per person
  • Price at Your Facility (classes of 12 or less): $900 flat rate
  • Program Duration: Half Day
  • Max Participants: 20

Silecio Inc. reserves the right to cancel and/or reschedule any courses at a Silecio facility with registration of six (6) people or less. For our full terms & conditions, please visit Terms & Conditions page >>

  • Program Duration: Half Day
  • Max Participants: 20

WHMIS 2015 Global Harmonized System

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) 2015 - Global Harmonized System (GHS)

Course Description:

The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System is a comprehensive Canada-wide system for providing employers and workers with information on hazardous materials used in the workplace. Silecio’s WHMIS 2015 training program provides participants with health and safety information on hazardous products intended for use, handling, or storage in Canadian workplaces. WHMIS has aligned with the worldwide hazard communication system known as GHS – the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals.

Silecio’s WHMIS 2015 course educates participants on the chemical materials they may encounter while on the job. This course works to reduce the risk of accidents associated with hazardous materials, and also instructs participants on safety procedures, should they ever face exposure.

Who Should Attend:

Every worker needs WHMIS training specific to the workplace. Employers must ensure that all workers are trained on hazardous products before they are used.

Course Content:

This course combines seven modules, proven to provide an engaging and educational experience for those seeking WHMIS safety training. These modules include:

  • Application of WHMIS
  • Worker Rights
  • Classes & Symbols
  • Supplier & Workplace Labels
  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS's)
  • Exposure to Hazardous Material
  • Question & Answer

Course Materials:

As a participant of Silecio’s WHIMIS 2015 training course, you will receive a test to evaluate your understanding of the program. Should you meet the requirements of the course, you will also receive proof of certification in the form of a digital wallet card. Your certificate is valid for 1 year from the training date.

This course is designed in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Ontario Regulation 851 for Industrial Establishments, and the Ontario Regulation 860 for Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). 

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